Teachers of the National Center of Expertise

Kazhibekova Gulzhan Kazhibekovna

Full name: Kazhibekova Gulzhan Kaldybekovna

Date of birth: 07.05.1965

Education: higher

  1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty medical and biological business
  2. Kazakhstan Medical University "HSE", awarded the degree of MASTER of Health, 6M110100-Medicine
  3. Almaty State University named after Abai, teacher -psychologist
Work experience: General medical - 34 years, specialty - 15 years,

Academic degree: MASTER's degree

The highest qualification category.

Professional development:
  1. Advanced training courses in the AGIUV, in the RSE at the PCV "NPTSEEIM"
  2. KazNMU named after S.Zh.Asfendiyarov of continuing Education
  3. A course on the operation of the AreaMx Real-Time PCR amplifier , Rotor Gene. 4) Training program: "Mastering practical skills of working on the bacteriological analyzer "Multiscan Labsystems"".